Friday, November 28, 2008

Seventeen and still rising.

Mathew 7:7 and Luke 11:9 Seek and ye shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you.


Some six months ago a group of local boys came to Canaote. One of them was carrying a sack over his shoulder. He partly open the sack to show a small red faced monkey. The boy asked me if I would like to buy the him. I discovered that this baby Howler had been captured after his mother had been killed with a stone from a catapult.

Naturally I was both angry and sad that local people had not yet understood my message. The animals of the forest are not goods to be sold and their lives and their children plundered. They were given the wild lands by God as a right to live in peace.

I shouted at the children and told them to go away and return the monkey to where they had captured him, hoping that the baby monkey would be accepted by his tribe.


The months passed until yesterday when during a heavy rain storm we notice a small red bundle sheltering in a tree near our enclosures. This was indeed the same monkey. We theorised that he had heard the calls of the Canaote monkeys and thought that here he might find his mother and family.

He knocked on our door. We cannot turn him away. We cannot disappoint him. We dried him and fed him and put him in an enclosure to await health tests. We cannot give him back his mother but we can give him love and care and the company of others of his kind. Maybe we can also find a surrogate mother for him .

Oh Yes, before I forget. He first arrived in a sack, now his name is Saco.


We now have seventeen children to feed, please donate if you can. We do need your help.

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