Monday, February 12, 2007

Marco and Vicky. A report from Gabriela.

This report from Gabriela was received yesterday. In both Spanish and English.

Hello Philip, I have good news about Marco and Vicky. Yesterday they were in the trees playing the whole day and I gave them their food in the mango bush that is just below the tree, on a table that I have placed there. Marco ate well.
Today in the morning I prepared his milk drink and he and Vicky drank it at the same mango bush. They slept together last night in the trees.
During the day, I watched them to be sure that he would not run away, and to my surprise Vicky arrived here at the window of the house with Marco to have dinner, It made me happy to see that she brought him here, they both ate and then left for the roof where Vicky sleeps, together.
So I believe that the mission is fulfilled they are already friends, let us hope he consummates the marriage soon and let us be grandparents.
I say goodbye.

Hola Philip, le tengo buenas noticias de Marco y Vicky, ayer estuvieron todo el dia en los arboles jugando y yo les di la comida en la mata de mango que esta abajo, en una mesa que tengo en ese sitio, marco comio bien.
Hoy en la Mañana le prepare su merengada y lo busque y estaba con Vicky en la misma mata de mango, durmieron juntos anoche en el arbol.
Durante el dia lo estuve observando, porque estaba pendiente no se fuera a escapar, y cual es mi sorpresa cuando llega Vicky aqui a la ventana de la casa con Marco para cenar, me dió mucha alegria que ella lo trajera hasta aqui, el comio y se fue para el techo donde Vicky duerme para estar con ella.
Asi que creo que la misión esta cumplida ya son novios, esperemos que se consume el matrimonio pronto y seamos abuelos.
Me despido..

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