Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sweet talkin', wet kissin', Maniña.




Sunday morning early, the family of Lucio arrived from Caracas. They had started out very early driving though the pouring rain to spend time with their monkey son Lucio. Hey! wait a minute, that's not Lucio in the picture. Right, its that sweet talkin' ,wet kissin' Maniña

The family always make a tour around the other enclosures, not spending time with Lucio alone. Our camera caught a special moment whilst Gilda was handing out compote and biscuits to Maniña, Miss Billy and Tutti. Unfortunately it rained hard for the whole visit. But undaunted they spent many hours with all the children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitivamente Maniña es el mono mas popular y amoroso de Cañaote.

