Sunday, September 10, 2006

New challenges await us

After I wrote about the bandit attack on Canaote, we were overwhelmed by your response. Every one of our regular readers has written offering practical advice and actual help. What has become clear is that we can no longer remain at Canaote, the place that has been our home and dream for the last twelve years. We will leave behind the work of these years. When I walk through our arboretum and see the rare fruit trees in full fruit after many years of waiting and the magnificent mature Palms, my heart is very heavy. I do not know what will happen to this work of love. Trampled by bulls, torn by machines? I cannot allow my sentiments to stop what must be.
Bandits have attacked us six times now, each time the attack has been more violent and dangerous. This time they threaten to return and kill David and me. Additionally the farm has been systematical striped of its equipment almost on a nightly basic. Our bull weighing equipment, a very large and heavy device, welded into the structure of the coral disappeared in the night just recently as did our electric plant, which was actually, cemented into the ground. These people have no fear of the law and no respect for decency and fair play. We are not rich people and do not understand their obsession with us.

We have received generous offers of land in several fine locations and we will over the next days visit and determine where we will move to.
I want to make it clear that our dedication and commitment to the Howler monkeys remains unchanged. Where I go, they will go with me.
If our commitment is strong, I must tell you that the commitment of our friends is also strong. We will need to construct five large enclosures to house the five pairs of Howlers we have. One friend has already volunteered to build and pay for two of those enclosures.
We will have to face the ergonomics of moving our monkeys; we have been offered help with this task.
It is difficult for me to sufficiently express my gratitude to our friends.

We are being tried but we will not be found wanting. Maybe our work here is complete and now new challenges await us.

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