The Following article was published today in the daily Spanish speaking newspaper Noticias De Cojedes. This is the online Digital version. The printed paper copy contains more photographs and a little more detail
The top photograph only was published and is by Eduardo Trestini. The poor translation to English which follows was prepared using Google translate.
We hope that this will increase awareness of the plight of the Howler Monkey.
Philip Cordrey dedicado a salvaguardar la vida de monos
Viernes, 09 de Octubre de 2009 05:10 CLAUDIA C. LÓPEZ V.
Philip Cordrey dedica su vida a los monos /Foto: Eduardo Trestini
Tinaco, octubre 8.- Ayer, en horas de la mañana en un recorrido efectuado por el municipio Tinaco, específicamente la vía de "El Socorro" sector "El Cañaote", conversamos con el doctor Philip Cordrey, dedicado al cuidado y rescate de animales, como por ejemplo el mono araguato. Nos comentó Cordrey como surgió esta idea que cambió el rumbo de su vida.
Durante la entrevista, Cordrey, originario de Inglaterra, apuntó que después de haber pasado por una amplia experiencia profesional en su país natal, tras convertirse en un hombre importante en el extenso mundo de la oftalmología, debido a que inventó un producto que permite usar lentes de contacto por varios meses, decidió pedir jubilación anticipada para comprar una finca ubicada en "El Cañaote" de Tinaco.
Con quince años radicado acá en Venezuela, concretamente en la región de los Llanos, Cordrey posee una finca, y durante sus primeros años, después de una ardua investigación sobre los monos, descubrió que estos animales además de ser maltratados cruelmente eran vendidos por personas en la carretera ilegal e impunemente. "La técnica consiste en disparar a la madre provocando la caída del bebé", agregó.
Aunado a esa breve historia, Philip se dedicó a proteger y cuidar a este pequeño animal a tiempo completo. Recientemente, gran parte del trabajo que desempeña se basa en dictar charlas y conferencias para reflejar este pavoroso comercio que según sus palabras, atenta contra la fauna silvestre.
De allí nació la idea de crear el centro de recreación de fauna silvestre, el cual se encarga de albergar a monos traídos por personas de diversos estados, que por alguna razón los compraban sin entender que no son animales domésticos.
En su propiedad, Cordrey cuenta con un total de veinte monos entre araguatos y capuchinos, a los cuales les ha brindado todo el cariño, pues argumentó durante la entrevista, que de alguna manera por así describirlo, "son los seres humanos más impresionables que ha conocido". Asimismo, en sus palabras, manifestó que varias instituciones, escuelas o campamentos, lo visitan esporádicamente para conocer su trabajo.
Fue así entonces de esta manera, como este hombre altruista y de gran corazón, que cambió Inglaterra por Venezuela, y su costumbre en mundo de la ciencia por araguatos, aunque parezca imposible de creer.
Actualmente, despliega un blog Web, dedicado a crear conciencia referente al cuidado de los animales silvestres.
Actualmente posee veinte monos entre araguatos y capuchinos /Foto: Eduardo Trestini
Rough Translation.
Tinaco, October 8 .- Yesterday in the morning in a tour conducted by the municipality Reservoir, specifically the path of "El Socorro" sector "The Cañaote", we talked to Dr. Philip Cordrey, dedicated to the care and animal rescue such as the howler. Cordrey said as we did this idea that changed the course of his life.
During the interview, Cordrey, originally from England, said that after having gone through extensive professional experience in his native country after becoming an important man in the vast world of ophthalmology because they invented a product that allows lenses contact for several months, decided to request early retirement to buy a farm in "The Cañaote" of Tinaco.
With fifteen years based here in Venezuela, specifically in the Llanos region, Cordrey has a farm, and during his early years, after hardly any research on monkeys, found that these animals besides being cruelly mistreated were sold by people in illegal road with impunity. "The technique involves shooting the mother brought down the baby," he said.
Coupled with this brief history, Philip was dedicated to protect and care for this little animal full time. Recently, much of the work you make is based on talks and lectures to reflect this awful trade in his words, threatens the wildlife.
Thus was born the idea for the recreation center for wildlife, which is in charge of harboring monkeys brought in by people from various states who somehow bought them without understanding that they are not pets.
On your property, Cordrey has a total of twenty among howler and capuchin monkeys, to whom he has given all the love, as argued in the interview that in some way so to describe it, "human beings are more impressionable than has known. " Also, in his words, said that several institutions, schools or camps, occasional visits to see their work.
And so then that way, as this man of great courage and altruism, which changed England by Venezuela, and his habit in the world of science howlers, though it seems impossible to believe.
Currently, it displays a Web blog dedicated to raising awareness regarding the care of wild animals.
Currently has twenty between howler monkeys and capuchin / Photo: Eduardo Trestini
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