We need your help and we need it now for a new enclosure. If you wish to give please don’t delay because the work starts next week. The old man’s hat is on the ground again.
Next week we begin construction of a new large monkey enclosure. The plan is that it will contain at least two mature growing trees. The cost will be about $4000.00. We need this new enclosure to keep abreast of the constant demand for our work. Initially it will house Schatov and at least four other monkeys.
This is a large enclosure. We are able to be quite economic because the wire used for an enclosure formally on this site, is still in excellent condition and we will be able to reuse it. The high cost reflects inflation. It is a lot more expensive to build now than when we first started to construct enclosures.
Account Banco Mercantile
Philip Cordrey. C.I 82216531
Account number: 0105 0101 67 1101031700
If you deposit please e-mail me. The bank does not indicate the donor.
For those of you outside Venezuela, please e-mail me for bank information.
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