Friends of Cañaote often ask me to send them photographs of a monkey that they have brought here or that they have a special love for. Quite often when people visit, one or other of the monkeys will have made a lasting impression. They are all great characters. Today I want to show you a couple of pictures of monkeys that have been requested in this way.
His name is Lito and he is an Alpha Capuchin monkey.He is much loved by his human family and they visit him very regularly. Sometimes it is not possible to continue keeping a monkey in a domestic environment. There are many reasons. The most common is that the monkey has reached adulthood and wants to establish his role in the family. An Alpha will want to dominate and this is when biting becomes a problem.
He shares with a young female Capuchin monkey named Jane.(below). Her human family also greatly care for her and visit her often. The two
live together in harmony. Sharing food and playing together.
Miércoles, 06 de junio 2012
Todos ellos son grandes personajes.
Los Amigos de Cañaote a menudo me piden que les envíe fotografías del mono que han traído aquí o por el que tienen un amor especial. Muy a menudo cuando la gente visita, uno u otro de los monos se han hecho una impresión duradera. Todos ellos son grandes personajes. Hoy quiero mostrarles un par de fotos de los monos que han sido solicitados de esta manera.
Su nombre es Lito y es un Mono capuchino Alfa. El es muy querido por su familia humana y lo visitan de forma regular. A veces no es posible seguir manteniendo un mono en un entorno doméstico. Hay muchas razones. La más común es que el mono ha llegado a la edad adulta y quiere establecer su papel en la familia. Un Alfa va a querer dominar y es cuando se convierte en un problema porque comienza a morder a todos.
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