Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Do you doubt my love?

We have twenty monkeys in our care that is fifteen Howler monkeys and five Capuchin monkeys. All of our children with one exception come from human homes. Homes that are now peaceful, homes where the tops stay on top of spray cans and where the human children are no longer in danger of being bitten. The fact is that baby monkeys are just like baby kittens and baby puppies. They are irresistible, they are cuddly, and they are lovable. And then they grow up and maybe cause problems either within the family or community. All monkeys bite. So a time comes when for one reason or another, a parting has to be made.
This is a painful time for the monkey, a painful time for the owner and human family. Depending on the type of monkey, they can live anything between twenty and forty years. Adopting a monkey is a serious matter. Disposing of a monkey is an even more serious matter. Having committed yourself to the care of a humanlike creature and then reneging on your promise is an event which has serious implications.
There are those who, having found the Canaote Monkey Rescue Centre, breathe a sigh of relief. I have found someone to look after the monkey and I can now get on with my life. The fact of the matter is that there is a moral responsibility to continue to care and be concerned with the welfare of the monkey. There is no moral quick fix. You caused that baby’s mother to be assassinated. You bought him at the roadside and you are still morally responsible for him.
Some people make a promise of continuing donations to support their child here at Canaote. Very few people keep their promise. For example this month, only one person has made a donation out of the twenty monkeys we have resident.
Our financial resources at Canaote are very light. It is entirely the contribution from my pension from the Government of the United Kingdom. There is no other source of funds. That pension has remained unchanged for the last fifteen years with no increment.
If you truly loved the monkey you passed to my care please donate and donate regularly. Don’t make me beg.
You have no doubt about my care and love for these children.


Miércoles, 17 de febrero 2010

¿Dudas de mi amor?

Tenemos veinte monos a nuestro cuidado que son: quince monos aulladores y cinco monos capuchinos. Todos nuestros niños con una sola excepción provienen de hogares humanos. Los hogares que están ahora en paz, y donde los niños humanos ya no están en peligro de ser mordidos. El hecho es que los monos bebés son como los gatitos y perritos bebé. Son irresistibles, son adorables, y son amables. Y entonces crecen y pueden tal vez causar problemas ya sea en la familia o en la comunidad. Todos los monos muerden. Entonces llega el momento por una razón u otra, de salir de él.
Este es un momento muy doloroso para el mono, un momento muy doloroso para el propietario y la familia humana. Dependiendo del tipo de mono, ellos pueden vivir entre veinte y cuarenta años. La adopción de un mono es un asunto serio. La eliminación de un mono es un asunto aún más grave. Después de haberse comprometido con el cuidado de una criatura humanoide y luego no cumplir su promesa es un evento que tiene implicaciones graves.
Hay quien, habiendo encontrado el Centro de Rescate de Monos Cañaote, da un suspiro de alivio.” He encontrado a alguien para cuidar a mi mono y ahora puedo seguir con mi vida.” El hecho del asunto es que hay una responsabilidad moral a seguir con atención e interés por el bienestar de los monos. No hay una solución moral rápida. Ustedes al comprarlo provocaron que la madre de otro bebé fuera asesinada. Usted lo compró en la carretera y usted todavía es moralmente responsable de él.
Algunas personas hacen la promesa de continuar con las donaciones para apoyar a sus hijos aquí en Cañaote. Muy pocas personas han mantenido su promesa. Por ejemplo, este mes, sólo una persona ha hecho una donación de los veinte monos que tenemos residentes.
Nuestros recursos financieros en Cañaote son muy pequeños. Es totalmente la contribución de mi pensión del Gobierno del Reino Unido. No hay ninguna otra fuente de fondos, y la pensión se ha mantenido sin cambios durante los últimos quince años sin ningún incremento.
Si realmente amaba al mono que ha dejado a nuestro cuidado, por favor, done y done con regularidad. No me hagan rogar.
Ustedes no tienen ninguna duda acerca de mi cuidado y el amor que siento y les doy a estos niños.


1 comment:

Melody said...

Dearest Philip:

Those of us who love these beautiful creatures who have NOT abandoned them also have a responsibility to help.

I was dozing very early one morning at a rain forest lodge waiting for a riverboat when I heard the sound of a large creature above me. It was cold, even for a rain forest. A huge form dropped into my lap. This was the greatest moment for me and it had happened by accident -- I was drowsing under where he slept.

I have never felt anything like it -- the embrace of a howler monkey "kept" by one of the workers.

He clung to me, legs, arms and tail, shivering in the morning mist, happy to feel embraced in return, happy to be held for a moment.

When I search for pictures of him today, I see he is now in a mobile van in Amazonian Peru, being shown to local children. I can only assume that that moment when he simply acted out his wild nature led to this sadder situation.

To those of us who marvel from a distance, please help Philip in his endeavor. The financial situation is tough, but we can each donate a small amount. Many hands ...

Very truly yours,

Melody Smith