In the photograph line up. Schatov then Monito. Lucio is at the uppper far right and Jaco is pictured beneath.
These pictures were taken towards the end of Sunday afternoon. All these children were very excited to have me sitting with them. They jumped all over me. Lucio grabbed my chin and wanted a kiss, except it was not just one kiss. He wanted to repeat it many times. Jaco wanted a cuddle but Monito, sitting on my head kept pushing her away. She was not pleased and pushed him to the ground. Schatov, not to be outdone jumped onto my lap and settled himself there. Lucio, having been moved from his position decided to throw my hat to the floor. But Jaco held on and finally was comfortably tucked under my chin. Whilst Venezuela was attending to the referendum, we enjoyed ourselves. It was not easy to hang on to my camera but as you see from the pictures, I got it out safely.
Schatov el más bello!!! jejeje no se pongan bravos los padres de moñito y jaco!!!
No, el mas bello, simpático, alegre y hablador en Moñito. Eso esta claro
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