Somehow, whenever I take pictures of Monito, he always looks the same but this morning I got lucky and I have a truly new picture of this young man. Even for me, visiting Lucio, Schatov and Monito is an experience. They come at me from every direction. Monito’s favourite approach is on the swing. Having got it up to speed, he launches himself at me at high velocity flinging his arms high to catch my hair. Schatov jumps down on me from the bamboo walkway whilst Lucio comes in with stealth from the ground. I always exit somewhat dishevelled and hatless.
The continuing heavy rain reminds me that we still have work to do on the cement program; seriously we have only covered a small area of what is needed. A number of readers have been most generous but we are still far short of the funds needed to complete this work. In particular, Schatov, Lucio and Monito’s enclosure needs a lot of preparation. This time of year is particularly sensitive because of the rotting mangoes and the heavy rain. This condition is very favourable to the emergence of nematodes in the soil. So far we have been lucky with no infections but we will be much more secure against parasites when the enclosures are cemented over.
The single picture is Monito today and the other is Lucio and Monito preparing a double whammie.
Hola Moñito, estas precioso, tu mami te manda besitos y muchas gracias a Philip por cuidarte.
Te quiere,
tu mami.
Hola Moñito, estas precioso, tu mami te manda besitos y muchas gracias a Philip por cuidarte.
Te quiere,
tu mami.
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