On Saturday morning a family arrived at Cañaote with a young Capuchin monkey. The family had rescued this little monkey from a fruit shop in Caracas. After several attempts the fruit shop owners agreed to give up the monkey and allow him to be brought here. Now this is where I have to admit that I have an extremely RED FACE. This monkey is a BOY not a GIRL as I first supposed. In all fairness, when I first examined him, he was inside a carrying case and of course frightened. I used a torch to get a better look but obviously not well enough. On this erroneous basis I released Chicatin (we formerly called her Chicateena), into the enclosure with Pancho. There is a lot of excitement of course. There is a great deal of establishing rights. Whose food, whose toys, whose house etc. But generally this just amounts to chasing and tail pulling. There is no overt aggression being shown. I will keep you posted but I think they will settle down and realize the benefit of having a pal.
The Capuchin photograph top right is of course Pancho. The one alongside shows Chicatin in the front and Pancho behind him. Bottom left is the very hansom young Chicatin.
The family who rescued him wrote to me
About the monkey
He was found in a fruit shop in Caracas. How did he get there? A family had her since he was little but, once he grew up, and it stopped being their perfect pet , they decided to get rid off him, so then it was given away to the fruit shop owner. Once at the fruit shop, he spent about a month inside a small cage, which I had already noticed just few days after they brought her in. I asked them several times to find a better place for the monkey but I did a research by my own over the internet and it's when I got to ARFA's website. I contacted Mrs. Lucy asking for help and guidance about what to do. Her brother-in-law put me in touch with you, Mr. Philip. I got the approval and permission from the fruit shop owners to take the monkey to Cañaote. The trip I made to the shelter let me see with my own eyes the beautiful work you guys are doing and I'm sure the monkey will be loved, happier, and in good health from now on.
Hola Philip que lastima que no sea una hembra, pero de todas maneras es un buen compañero para Pancho.
Es muy lindo, "es rubio", me encanta el mono nuevo, espero conocerlo pronto.
hi,, we have a couple howler monkeys on the ranch.. the baby playfully nawed on my hand and it seems infected.. am i at risk for the b herpes? we had flood waters here too, so the infection could be from that.. keeping it cleaned.. recommendations? thanks reply to liz.toth@gmail.com
Hi Philip, how are you?
I want to know, how is Chiquitin?....I always think about him...
Best regards,
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