Everybody was invited and everybody came. Maniña was the life and soul of the party. After he welcomed his guests he gave us a song that he had written specially for his birthday. MonaLisa organized several games, which were enjoyed and there was a lot of laughter. Clearly Maniña is a popular fellow. Everything was calm and good natured until the cake arrived. Maniña said 'hey there is only one candle on the cake'. Then all hell was let loose. Emma, not known for the elegance of her table manners took a first swipe at the cake. A sizable piece went down on the floor and Emma went after it. Sussy got a piece of cream stuck on top of her nose and made her look as if she was giving a rendition of 'Mammy I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles'. Rosita bit off a piece of cake that was at least as big as she was but as soon as she held it in her hands, Nancy stole it and ran to the other side of the room with it. Schatov gave up trying to get everybody interested in his card tricks and joined the crowd around the cake. Everyone was a little nervous when Totto arrived with his wife Sophie. But they need not have worried he was only interested in getting to the front of the cake. Negro being a baby had his cake served at his high stool.
At this point Totto took charge 'Just a moment everybody, we have to sing 'happy birthday', and everybody joined in a rousing but slightly irregular version of the well known song. And so a wonderful party came to an end. Maniña, the perfect host, stood at the door and waved farewell to his guests. "Goodbye and come again next year'.
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