I received the following letter from Gabriela this evening and I want to share it with you. I have included an English translation. You can imagine how happy I was to get this news. I refer to a previous posting, where I told you that Marco was going to live with Vicky at the home of Gabriela. The photograph reminds me, what a hansom fellow he is.
Hello Philip, I arrived from Caracas today, and I am happy to tell you that Marco and Vicky are already friends. She spent he whole day on the roof of his enclosure and on its side and she played with Marco a lot and she gave him many kisses, and he loved it.
Tomorrow I will be watching them all day and I will allow Vicky to enter the enclosure to see how they behave, if all goes well, I think that we will be able to allow him to live together with Vicky in the trees.
I would like you to come here on the day that I release him because I know that it will make you happy.
I say goodbye
Hola Philip, Estoy llegando de Caracas hoy, y estoy feliz porque ya Marco y Vicky son amigos ella pasa todo el dia en el techo de la jaula y a un lado y toca mucho a Marco y le da muchos besos, y a el le encanta esto.
MaƱana voy a estar todo el dia observandolos y voy a tratar de que Vicky entre en la jaula a ver como se comportan ambos, si se llevan bien yo creo que esta misma semana libero a Marco y lo suelto con Vicky.
Me gustaria que usted viniera el dia que yo suelte a marco porque se que a usted lo haria muy feliz tambien.
Tengo muchas ganas de verlo saltando en los arboles con Vicky.
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