This post from Gabriela is in Spanish. Gabriela has done great work in bringing these two children together. I am so happy to see my little boy living a fulfilled life with Vicky.
Hola Philip, estoy muy contenta con el comportamiento de Marco, ya que ha cambiado mucho, se acuerda que el siempre estaba nervioso y corriendo en la jaula, y desde que esta libre esta muy calmado, siempre curioso de todas las cosas, mirando y aprendiendo de Vicky,.
Usted sabe que yo los observo mucho a ellos, y el esta muy tranquilo se trepa a los arboles cada vez con mas seguridad, porque Vicky conoce cada rama de los arboles porque ella se ha criado en libertad y por eso ella salta con mucha rapidez y agilidad, Marco la sigue y aprende mucho con ella que hojas puede comer y a que rama se debe subir y cuales son las mas seguras que no tenga peligro de romperse al caminar por ellas.
Marco esta muy enamorado de Vicky siempre esta con ella, hay veces en que ella llega primero a la casa para almorzar o cenar porque ella ya esta sintiendo la fuerza de macho dominante de Marco, ya que si él esta comiendo ella espera que el termine, para luego ella comer.
El se le acerca a ella y ella sale corriendo, hoy el se le acerco con cariño por la espalda para olerla y pasarle la lengua, y ella se quejo como lo hace Sussy, y el se puso un poco furioso y le sujeto el brazo y la jalo, pero esos son momentos muy cortos de Marco para demostrarle quien es el que manda, luego estan juntos de nuevo.
Marco esta muy tranquilo y relajado, se sienta al lado mio para comer y me mira con mucho cariño, el es un buen muchacho, y su cara transmite mucha ternura.
El come muy bien, le encanta la lechuga romana, todos los días tengo que preparar mas cantidad porque no le deja nada a Vicky, siempre se sienta y se la come toda.
Le gustan muchos los vegetales y el queso blanco con muy poca sal, le encanta comer en la tarde pan dulce, el platano crudo y apio crudo el cual se lo voy rebanando al momento para que este crocante.
Creo que ambos tomamos una muy buena decisión al unirlos, ellos estan felices y nosotros también.
Me ha costado mucho tomarles una buena foto, porque pasan la mayor parte del dia en los arboles, y usted sabe que por las hojas ellos casi no se ven, pero hoy les tome una juntos en el tubo que va hacia el techo, voy a tratar de enviarla hoy, si no puedo se la envio mañana desde San Carlos.
Me despido y se que estas noticias le van a alegrar el corazón.
Un beso y abrazo a mi niña Susy.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Negro, first pictures
Negro arrived with us last Saturday and is proving to be quite a challenge. He is terrified of everyone. He is also being difficult to feed. He is so concerned about being caught that he ignores his food. He has now started to feed himself but we have had to rely on bottle feeding for some days. I have some concern about his motility and spatial control. When he walks he crouches close to the ground. It was my plan to keep him near me for at least a few weeks and in that way to give him confidence. However the motility problem has caused me to revise that plan. I believe that basically he is a healthy,one year old animal but a year in a small cage has limited his movement skills. I have transferred him to an outside enclosure in the daytime. He returns to the house and my company in the evening. From his large outside location, he can climb and has a view of several of the other children. Yesterday he spent quite a long time close to Sussy’s house and there was some interaction between them. I am seeking some veterinary advice for him. But whatever the daily dose of sunshine must be beneficial. I know that he has been treated for rickets. I wonder if this behavior is related to that condition. On examination, his leg and arm muscles seem strong and healthy. I will keep you posted on the progress of Negro.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Breaking News!
The hot new is that Negro arrived here at Cañaote on Saturday. He was introduced to us by Nancy the Veterinary Surgeon from Valencia. She brought with her his human family, Maria. We were delighted to meet Nancy and her son again and Maria, visiting us for the first time. Negro is one year old and very handsome. He has a very large hyoid bone. He has a problem. He is intensely anxious about his new surroundings. I understand that he spent a great deal of time in a cage, although he was taken out and handled. Here of course we expect the children to be handled a great deal. We share our lives with them and they share with us. Maybe not everyone would approve but our children mainly come from human, caring environments and we try to keep that balance between recognizing their dignity and their learned human responses.
Where is he? Where is his photograph? Answer question number one. Open my bedroom door, turn right and check the bottom draw of the chest on the left. He is too terrified now to adventure around the place much. He is in a strange location among people he does not recognize. It will take a while before he loses his fear. In the meantime, he is being bottle fed, he is not interested in the fruit and veg that we are offering. Love and patience are needed and we have plenty of both. We took him around yesterday, and introduced him to some of the others. MonaLisa was very positive, she likes him. Emma was positive, much to my relief. Schatov and Manina ignored him. Hoping I suppose that he would go away.
Photographs, well wait a few days.
The hyoid, a supportive bone at the base of the tongue, is enlarged and formed into an egg-shaped hollow box, which acts as a resonating chamber.
Where is he? Where is his photograph? Answer question number one. Open my bedroom door, turn right and check the bottom draw of the chest on the left. He is too terrified now to adventure around the place much. He is in a strange location among people he does not recognize. It will take a while before he loses his fear. In the meantime, he is being bottle fed, he is not interested in the fruit and veg that we are offering. Love and patience are needed and we have plenty of both. We took him around yesterday, and introduced him to some of the others. MonaLisa was very positive, she likes him. Emma was positive, much to my relief. Schatov and Manina ignored him. Hoping I suppose that he would go away.
Photographs, well wait a few days.
The hyoid, a supportive bone at the base of the tongue, is enlarged and formed into an egg-shaped hollow box, which acts as a resonating chamber.
Little Grey Home in the West
This week there has been furious activity to build a new residence for Totto and Sophie. This is part of our program to move all of our monkeys into secure areas.
A suitable site was selected among the trees on the west side of the house. This has meant extending our security high voltage fence, and that in itself was a big task. The house is now almost complete and you can see it in our photograph. The house has a main room and a roof area, which is popular on hot afternoons. There are two doors to the main room and it has a short stairway, which leads to the upstairs area. The doors are made of durable sacking so that getting in and out is possible without exposing the house to rain. The roof is sloping and substantial, offering protection against both rain and sun. The interior is furnished with a large soft pillow and a blanket. In the background of the picture, you can see the mature mango trees that will form part of their enclosure. There is plenty of shade and sunny places to bask. Over the coming week we will be erecting the high wire fence, which will give access to tall trees with plenty of leaves available to chew on. We will be providing bamboo walkways between the trees as well as plenty of swings and ropes to play on. This is a natural home for Totto and his bride. I am sure that they will enjoy the change.
The cost of this kind of construction has now become almost untenable, with the price of metal posts, cement and wire, increasing daily. This work has been made possible by a substantial donation from Totto's human family.
When the golden sun sinks in the hills
And the toil of a long day is o'er
Though the road may be long, in the lilt of a song
I forget I was weary before
Far ahead, where the blue shadows fall
I shall come to contentment and rest
And the toils of the day will be all charmed away
In my little grey home of the west
There are hands that will welcome me in
There are lips I am burning to kiss
There are two eyes that shine just because they are mine
And a thousand things other men miss
It's a corner of heaven itself
Though it's only a tumble-down nest
But with love brooding there, why no place can compare
With my little grey home in the west
"Little Grey Home in the West" was written in 1911 by Hermann Frederic Löhr and D. Eardley-Wilmot
Friday, February 23, 2007
All good pals and jolly good company
Not many people know about the late night suppers that Mañiña and Schatov enjoy. When everyone else has gone to bed, these two creep into my room and enjoy a late night supper that has been left out for them. MonaLisa with Sophie are fast asleep by this time. These two boys play hard during the day but enjoy sharing a meal at bedtime.
Schatov is nearest to you in the photograph.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The Ghosts.
At Cañaote, we receive many phone calls requesting places from Howler monkey owners. We call owners, donors. Our facility is small and we can accept only a small number of monkeys.
After a number of calls sometimes, we hear no more. I wonder what happens to the monkeys. We call these monkeys ‘the ghosts’. An example was the female child who had only one leg. The owner had allowed the family dog to savage her and she lost a leg. For humanitarian reasons, we agreed to take her. We were prepared to make a special location for her so that she always near human care and attention. However, after a number of phone calls we heard no more.
Donors are often worried about bringing their children to us. One family visited twice before finally leaving the little boy with us each time leaving in a shower of tears. Another visited, intending it to be just a ‘look see’ visit and finally left the little fellow with us. The point I am making is that parting can be very traumatic and we understand because we have been through this many times.
Another local family brings their female monkey to visit. The mother complains about neck and shoulder pains. Her doctor has told her that the monkey sitting on her shoulder aggravates it.
Currently we have two donors one in Valencia and another in Caracas that have not confirmed their requests. We have mentioned Lala, from Caracas. Her donors are currently not in Venezuela. We worry about her whereabouts, and how she is being treated and fed.
A foundation has been in touch with us over the last few weeks concerning an adult. They are still deciding as the weeks go by.
Donors of a small boy have asked for a place with us through their Vet and now are having second thoughts. Where does love begin and selfish end? How can you say that you love an animal and then deprive it of a natural existence? Deny the monkey its place in the order of life.
I have a theory about our ‘ghosts’. When I lived in England, we were fortunately able to employ a servant or housekeeper. Often I would find the newspaper open on the table at the situations vacant column with rings marked around various positions. We also had calls from potential employees asking for appointments, most of which were never kept. This was a proving, that if they wanted to leave their present employer, they could. They prove to themselves that their services are wanted elsewhere and that they could leave at anytime. Monkey donors, I believe are doing the same thing. They are testing to see that if they needed to divest themselves of the monkey, they could. Typically Howler monkeys live in the forest to the age of 20, in captivity rather longer, say 25. When people buy a monkey from a boy by the roadside, are they thinking about their responsibility for the next 25 years?
There are small monkey ghosts out there needing help. They are living in a strange world that is neither human nor monkey. We want to think that we will never refuse a monkey but the demands grow and our facility is limited. We have the land, the love and the will but the money eludes us.
However great the human love bestowed on a monkey, it cannot replace the pride of fatherhood, the love of the monkey mother for her child and the freedom of the forest.
Our picture is of Chipi on one of her visits to us.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Who lives in BIG HOUSE?
Dramatis personae.
MonaLisa now 5 years old and was brought to us when she was aged 1 year and 9 months. Since then the owner has not inquired even once about her.
Rosita just a baby and fostered by MonaLisa. The family that brought her to us inquire often.
Schatov came to us in January 06. His family inquires about him frequently and pays him visits. A delightful monkey, well mannered, friendly and loving..
Mañiña is nearly three years old. He has been neutered. His human family inquires about him frequently. He is a delightful personality.
Emma is two years old and came to us from the ARFA rescue facility. She is the foster mother of Nancy. A very young foster mum.
Nancy has been with us only four months and came to us from a Vet in Valencia. She has yet to learn to trust the staff.. Possibly traumatized during capture.
Relationships among Howler monkeys are dynamic. They are a constantly developing and changing factor. We have a group of monkeys that we regard as being semi domesticated. These monkeys have spent long periods in the company of humans and their behavior has been modified by that experience. These changing relationships can be difficult to manage. Let us look at the group, MonaLisa and Rosita, Schatov and Mañiña, Emma and Nancy. They occupy a dividable enclosure alongside our house. They were selected to occupy this place because they showed a tendency to enjoy being with other monkeys. The first part is roofed and leads to an outside area, which contains a specially constructed monkey house and high walkways, swings and hamocks. A small gate separates these two areas. Access to our house is possible through the window of a room, which adjoins the enclosure. Formally, Schatov and Emma occupied another enclosure together. We moved them to the enclosure described above for security reasons. We felt that there was a danger of them being attacked by thieves. However, in the new area, enmity developed between them and it was necessary to keep them apart. The dividing gate was closed. Mañiña and Emma were also antagonistic. The final situation was that Schatov, Mañiña with MonaLisa and Rosita lived on the roofed part of the area and Emma, and Nancy lived on the garden side.
Clearly, this was unsatisfactory from a health point of view. The monkeys on the inside were not getting enough sunshine. We quickly instituted a program of monitored mixing between the two groups. A helper or I would be nearby all the time to be sure that peace prevailed. There were a number of incidences where it was necessary to intervene. But these have gradually subsided and they can now be left unattended without bad behavior. The little understood animosities are still there. Mañiña ventures out into the garden area and places himself well away from Emma. There is a certain amount of squabbling between Schatov and Mañiña but I regard this as two young boys playing even though it can get a little rough, no one gets hurt. Later the two can be seen sleeping together in a fruit box. Little Nancy loves Emma and MonaLisa, plays hard all day with Rosita. She adopts Emma’s dislike of Mañiña and Schatov. Actually to be frank, she doesn’t like me very much either. Nancy puffs up and readies for attack at the slightest provocation. We are working on it, but she is a difficult monkey. I am sure that it has been caused by the circumstances of her capture, which must have been traumatic.
I hope that wasn’t to complicated to understand, you really have to experience it to understand the complex interaction.
Our picture shows Mañiña and Schatov enjoying an afternoon nap in a fruit box. Schatov is on the right.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The true story of Valentine.
The Story Of The Priest Called Valentine
In the city of Rome in the years around 270BC there lived an Emperor named Claudius. He is known in history as Claudius the Cruel.
Near his palace was a beautiful temple where the priest Valentine served. The Romans loved him dearly and assembled in the temple to hear his words. Before the fire that always burned on the altar they knelt to ask his blessing. Rich and poor, wise and ignorant, old and young, noble and common people they all flocked to Valentine.
Wars broke out in the Roman Empire. Claudius summoned the citizens forth to battle and year after year the fighting continued. Many of the Romans were unwilling to go. The married men did not want to leave their families. The younger men did not wish to leave their sweethearts. The Emperor was angry when soldiers were too few. He ordered that no marriages should be celebrated and that all engagements must be broken off immediately.
Now the good priest Valentine heard of the Emperor's command and was very sad. When a young couple came to the temple, he secretly united them in marriage in front of the sacred altar. Another pair sought his aid and in secret he wedded them. Others came and quietly were married. Valentine was the friend of lovers in every district of Rome.
But, such secrets could not be kept for long in Rome. At last word of Valentine's acts reached the palace and Claudius the Cruel was angry, exceedingly angry. He summoned his soldiers. "Go! Take that priest in the temple! Cast him into a dungeon! No man in Rome, priest or not, shall disobey my commands!"
Valentine was dragged from the temple, away from the altar where a young maiden and a Roman youth stood, ready to be married, and the soldiers took him off to prison.
Many asked Claudius to release Valentine but Claudius refused to do so, and in a dungeon Valentine languished and died. His devoted friends buried him in the church of St. Praxedes. When you go to Rome you can see the very place.
It was the year 270BC, on the 14th of February.
Our pictures today show our two lovers, Vicky on the left and Marco.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Marco met Vicky, his Valentine
What will you do for love on Wednesday?
Marco and Vicky. A report from Gabriela.
This report from Gabriela was received yesterday. In both Spanish and English.
Hello Philip, I have good news about Marco and Vicky. Yesterday they were in the trees playing the whole day and I gave them their food in the mango bush that is just below the tree, on a table that I have placed there. Marco ate well.
Today in the morning I prepared his milk drink and he and Vicky drank it at the same mango bush. They slept together last night in the trees.
During the day, I watched them to be sure that he would not run away, and to my surprise Vicky arrived here at the window of the house with Marco to have dinner, It made me happy to see that she brought him here, they both ate and then left for the roof where Vicky sleeps, together.
So I believe that the mission is fulfilled they are already friends, let us hope he consummates the marriage soon and let us be grandparents.
I say goodbye.
Hola Philip, le tengo buenas noticias de Marco y Vicky, ayer estuvieron todo el dia en los arboles jugando y yo les di la comida en la mata de mango que esta abajo, en una mesa que tengo en ese sitio, marco comio bien.
Hoy en la Mañana le prepare su merengada y lo busque y estaba con Vicky en la misma mata de mango, durmieron juntos anoche en el arbol.
Durante el dia lo estuve observando, porque estaba pendiente no se fuera a escapar, y cual es mi sorpresa cuando llega Vicky aqui a la ventana de la casa con Marco para cenar, me dió mucha alegria que ella lo trajera hasta aqui, el comio y se fue para el techo donde Vicky duerme para estar con ella.
Asi que creo que la misión esta cumplida ya son novios, esperemos que se consume el matrimonio pronto y seamos abuelos.
Me despido..
Hello Philip, I have good news about Marco and Vicky. Yesterday they were in the trees playing the whole day and I gave them their food in the mango bush that is just below the tree, on a table that I have placed there. Marco ate well.
Today in the morning I prepared his milk drink and he and Vicky drank it at the same mango bush. They slept together last night in the trees.
During the day, I watched them to be sure that he would not run away, and to my surprise Vicky arrived here at the window of the house with Marco to have dinner, It made me happy to see that she brought him here, they both ate and then left for the roof where Vicky sleeps, together.
So I believe that the mission is fulfilled they are already friends, let us hope he consummates the marriage soon and let us be grandparents.
I say goodbye.
Hola Philip, le tengo buenas noticias de Marco y Vicky, ayer estuvieron todo el dia en los arboles jugando y yo les di la comida en la mata de mango que esta abajo, en una mesa que tengo en ese sitio, marco comio bien.
Hoy en la Mañana le prepare su merengada y lo busque y estaba con Vicky en la misma mata de mango, durmieron juntos anoche en el arbol.
Durante el dia lo estuve observando, porque estaba pendiente no se fuera a escapar, y cual es mi sorpresa cuando llega Vicky aqui a la ventana de la casa con Marco para cenar, me dió mucha alegria que ella lo trajera hasta aqui, el comio y se fue para el techo donde Vicky duerme para estar con ella.
Asi que creo que la misión esta cumplida ya son novios, esperemos que se consume el matrimonio pronto y seamos abuelos.
Me despido..
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Ramona is back on the street.
There is some good news about Ramona, the street monkey of Tinaco. She had posed a threat to passersby and I suspect that she had bitten someone, although I was never told that. All monkeys bite, especially when frustrated. I posted showing her appalling conditions. A tree in a dirty rat infested area of refuse behind a local shop. The owners promised me that they would construct a large enclosure for her. This has not been done.
However, she has been moved back to her favorite tree in the street. She greeted me with kisses yesterday when I visited her with some fresh leaves from the forest. She recognized me and was excited to see me.
The owners, who are caring people and do love her, told me that she was ‘on heat’. Could I take her to Canaote for a week or so and introduce her to a male?
Now of course this is magical and fantasy thinking. What would happen if Ramona had a baby? There would be very little problem for the first six months or so, whilst the baby would be clinging to the mother’s back but after that?
Two chained monkeys in a street tree. Worse still, separated, perhaps sold or handed over to a shelter. If these good people want to give Ramona the semblance of fulfillment in her life, the least they can do is build a large enclosure for her, where she could bring up her child. I would expect this minimum. They have plenty of suitable land in their yard. Over the next days, I will be bringing all the influence I have to convince them to do this.
My picture shows Ramona today, very mature now and very pretty. I estimate her age as four years. She is in excellent health and there is no reason why she should not be a successful mother if given the conditions.
Marco is free
Yesterday I visited Marco and Vicky. I took with me a bunch of leaves from the forest around Canaote. When I arrived, he was sitting in his enclosure still looking a little confused. He had arrived here a week earlier and there was no sign of me. Now suddenly I appeared with his favorite munch. Vicky looked on from a distance, although earlier I had seen her alongside him but outside the enclosure. He was happy with the leaves and set about eating them. After a short while we opened the door and allowed him to escape. He was tentative at first. Looking at the grass, then climbing a small tree, then down on the ground again searching in a broad sweep. Suddenly there was a loud crash and Vicky appears at his side. She grabbed him and held him tight. Marco shot away and then there ensued the most incredible chase through the trees. This chase carried on for most of my visit. After an excellent lunch, we returned to watching Marco and Vicky getting to know each other. This was not ‘me Tarzan, you Jane’, but rather ‘me Jane you Tarzan’. Vicky it turns out is a bit of an Amazon and now at last she has her man.
It is going to take time. He is young, boisterous, and inexperienced and she is older and strong.
The test will be where they sleep tonight. I am sure that Gabriela will tell me.
I wanted a picture of their first moments together but these pictures were largely obscured by the trees as the pair of them raced through the branches. So for now, here is a picture of Marco in the trees during his first moments of his new life with Vicky. More news as it comes in.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Marco and Vicky

I have posted that Marco has gone to live with Vicky at the home of Gabriela. This is a sensitive time because Howlers either like or hate each other. Garbriela has sent us these wonderful pictures showing the two together. I will visit them over the next few days hopefully to witness Marco being released into the trees around Gabriela's house. It certainly looks as if Marco has taken Vicky to be his bride.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Marco goes to live with Vicky
I received the following letter from Gabriela this evening and I want to share it with you. I have included an English translation. You can imagine how happy I was to get this news. I refer to a previous posting, where I told you that Marco was going to live with Vicky at the home of Gabriela. The photograph reminds me, what a hansom fellow he is.
Hello Philip, I arrived from Caracas today, and I am happy to tell you that Marco and Vicky are already friends. She spent he whole day on the roof of his enclosure and on its side and she played with Marco a lot and she gave him many kisses, and he loved it.
Tomorrow I will be watching them all day and I will allow Vicky to enter the enclosure to see how they behave, if all goes well, I think that we will be able to allow him to live together with Vicky in the trees.
I would like you to come here on the day that I release him because I know that it will make you happy.
I say goodbye
Hola Philip, Estoy llegando de Caracas hoy, y estoy feliz porque ya Marco y Vicky son amigos ella pasa todo el dia en el techo de la jaula y a un lado y toca mucho a Marco y le da muchos besos, y a el le encanta esto.
Mañana voy a estar todo el dia observandolos y voy a tratar de que Vicky entre en la jaula a ver como se comportan ambos, si se llevan bien yo creo que esta misma semana libero a Marco y lo suelto con Vicky.
Me gustaria que usted viniera el dia que yo suelte a marco porque se que a usted lo haria muy feliz tambien.
Tengo muchas ganas de verlo saltando en los arboles con Vicky.
Rosita is an adventuress.
Rosita is an adventuress. (not a wanton strumpet) She is small but she packs enthusiasm into everything that she does. She is first at the watering hole. Nobody beats Rosita to the milk or plates of food. Because she is slim, she can easily wriggle through the wire of her enclosure into the upper part of the big mango tree that is overhead. She spends much of the day hanging by her tail there or eating its leaves. This is much to the consternation of her playmate, Nancy, who being a little larger around the waist, cannot follow Rosita through the wire into the tree. I say she is an adventuress because, I placed some extra fine wire in the location where she exits the enclosure but she has found a very circuitous route, through a side panel, then up onto the roof and the across a low hanging bough into the Mango Tree. These two very young female howlers have completely different personalities. Nancy is suspicious and not very approachable whilst Rosita is trusting and outgoing. Regardless of her small size, she plays with the two boys Mañiña and Schatov as an equal and she is not in the least intimidated by them.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
It's mango time again.
We begin February 2007 with a surprise. Already the mangoes are falling to the ground. By local reckoning, they are a full month early. This will make a welcome addition to the children’s breakfast. Monkeys love mangoes.
Marco is settling down in his new home in Manrique and we are getting daily reports of his progress. Apparently, he is quite keen to meet Vicky but Vicky is showing well-mannered reserve. She watches him with interest but from afar. I will keep you posted on their progress. Maybe Gabriella will give us some photographs when Marco and Vicky get together. We have no news about the two Howlers that have asked to come here. Negro a little boy from Valencia and Lala a young lady from Caracas.
The actual logistics of feeding five groups of monkeys, all in different locations, maybe of interest. Until recently, it was necessary to take each individual plate to the location. We have constructed a carrier so that all five the plates can be delivered on one round journey. This saves a lot of legwork and speeds up the feeding routine. We show a photograph of the prototype. You see there the evening meal of mixed vegetables. Only four plates this time, because Marco is no longer with us.
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