All young children go through this phase. Young boys like the company of other boys and girls prefer their own as well. Howler Monkeys are no different. We are at that stage with Imanol and Rosita. Imanol thinks that Rosita is silly. What Imanol had not counted on is that Rosita is able to give as good as she gets. This morning at breakfast Imanol stole some of her fruit, he actually took it out of her hand. He was not prepared for the avalanche of blows that this would provoke. Today the little girl came alive. Instead of clinging to the back of my head all day, she got down and had a walk around. She had a great game prancing around the house. She is going to be quite a personality. Young monkeys reach the point where they are not content just to sit on mummies back and want to explore the world. Imanol reached this point some weeks ago and it is very interesting to see Baby Rosita joining him. She has abandoned the baby bottle and now eats from plates on the table. Imanol on the left and Rosita on the right.
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