On Thursday, we went with Imanol to see friends in Manrique, which is a small town some 50 Km from Canaote. Our friend Gabriela lives there with her husband Miguel and two adult female Howlers, Ronny and Vicky. Gabriela is also the original human owner of Sussy and one of the most knowledgeable people in the country on Howler Monkeys. In the three years, that Sussy has been with us, Gabriela has visited her at least once a month. Everyone that knows Sussy loves her.
We had a wonderful day. After Imanol got over his fear of the adult monkeys, he settled down to play in this new house. He teased Ronny and Vicky, but by the time we left, there was the beginning of a good friendship. I am always surprised at the facial similarity between Ronny and our MonaLisa, they could easily be twins. In another posting I will show you what I mean. He made new human friends as well. In the picture you can see young Sergio playing with Imanol. Lunch was wonderful. Gabriela taught us some delicious new tricks in cooking eggplant. Imanol did great justice to a plate of ice cream. On the journey there and on the return, we allowed Imanol to sit in the car rather than in a carrying cage and he showed tremendous interest in the passing countryside. Imanol did not want to leave his new friends but when the time came to leave, he was already exhausted and slept all the way home.
Hmm. the photograph with the two girls in the background is not my best but its the only one I have showing Ronnie, Vicky and Imanol.
1 comment:
Philip me encanto el articulo que escribio, de el día que estuvo de visita en mi casa, quedaron muy bonitas las fotos.
Me alegro por la labor que usted esta llevando a cabo en favor de los Monos Araguatos, muy pocas personas se ocupan y los aman como usted.
Muchas gracias...
Gabriela de Olivieri
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