We have not had a photograph of MonaLisa for a while. This picture was taken at the same time as the last posting. In the background you can see little Nancy and Emma at the back.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
We have not had a photograph of MonaLisa for a while. This picture was taken at the same time as the last posting. In the background you can see little Nancy and Emma at the back.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Maniña at lunch.
A short posting. Yesterday I was watching Maniña at lunch with a bunch of fresh leaves. Forest fresh is always a great favorite. Clearly he was really enjoying them. I couldn't resist posting this very typical pose. That's Nancy in the background also chomping leaves. Forest fresh leaves are part of the regular diet of the monkeys here at Canaote. It is not possible to supply the quantity that a Howler would normally eat in a day since they quietly chew through a very large amount. We give them a substantial diet of leaves in addition to normal meals, every other day.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Negro is making progress
Negro came to us on the 24th February 2007 but it was not until the 28th that we diagnosed Rickets. We began his treatment at once. Negro’s recovery from Rickets is slow but definite. He is housed in a small hospital enclosure in order to lessen the chance of hurting himself. A fall or misfooting in a large enclosure could be disastrous, particularly if he were to damage his weak backbone. He has a dietary supplement in milk, of Vitamins and calcium in addition to his regular meals. He has this twice a day. It was difficult, at first to get him to accept the milk. We were told when he arrived that he did not drink milk because it gave him hiccups. This turned out to be a myth fortunately.
I have been a doubting Thomas all through this treatment. I just could not see how a belated supply of calcium could reinforce already formed bone. Each day Negro displays more activity. He is using his legs, arms and tail much more vigorously. This can only be because there is less pain and more strength in these limbs. His characteristic gait, walking on his forearms rather than his hands is also noticeably less. This is the feature of his recovery which has surprised me most. I was prepared to believe that he could metabolize the calcium into bone but I thought that the gait was not only a matter of bone structure but also of habit. Of course he is young and still growing and that must be the explanation of the changes in the bone. Naturally it makes me unhappy to see him in a small enclosure. I want to see him swinging on ropes and climbing trees. His incarceration will probably continue for another month.
His location does have compensations. He is very close to the enclosure with MonaLisa Emma, Rosita, Nancy as well as Mañiña and Schatov. There is considerable interaction between them and he now joins in the morning and evening chorus. He has a very fine voice. Rosita is a frequent visitor. She wriggles through the wire whenever Negro gets his food. This is usually just a few minute before her food is served but she just can’t wait. Rosita and Negro are becoming good friends. She is probably his first friend.
We are already thinking about his future. Maybe Sussy would accept him as a surrogate son. There is a possibility that Chippy, the very beautiful female howler from San Carlos may be coming to live with us soon. She also might want a son. Howlers are very particular when choosing friends and it will be a matter of asking them who they prefer to live with.
I have been a doubting Thomas all through this treatment. I just could not see how a belated supply of calcium could reinforce already formed bone. Each day Negro displays more activity. He is using his legs, arms and tail much more vigorously. This can only be because there is less pain and more strength in these limbs. His characteristic gait, walking on his forearms rather than his hands is also noticeably less. This is the feature of his recovery which has surprised me most. I was prepared to believe that he could metabolize the calcium into bone but I thought that the gait was not only a matter of bone structure but also of habit. Of course he is young and still growing and that must be the explanation of the changes in the bone. Naturally it makes me unhappy to see him in a small enclosure. I want to see him swinging on ropes and climbing trees. His incarceration will probably continue for another month.
His location does have compensations. He is very close to the enclosure with MonaLisa Emma, Rosita, Nancy as well as Mañiña and Schatov. There is considerable interaction between them and he now joins in the morning and evening chorus. He has a very fine voice. Rosita is a frequent visitor. She wriggles through the wire whenever Negro gets his food. This is usually just a few minute before her food is served but she just can’t wait. Rosita and Negro are becoming good friends. She is probably his first friend.
We are already thinking about his future. Maybe Sussy would accept him as a surrogate son. There is a possibility that Chippy, the very beautiful female howler from San Carlos may be coming to live with us soon. She also might want a son. Howlers are very particular when choosing friends and it will be a matter of asking them who they prefer to live with.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Schatov and the late night supper.

Both Schatov and Mañiña are late night visitors to our house. Long after sunset, these two friends come into our house. We always leave a little on the side of our dinner plates for these two supper seekers. In an earlier posting you saw Mañiña at supper and today it is Schatov’s turn to have his picture in the blog.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Totto's new home is nearly ready
The work on Totto’s new environment is at last nearing completion. It has been subject to so many delays. The main problem has been the shortage of supplies for the construction. Finally, we had to go out of State to obtain materials. Not least among the problems has been the big increase in the price of the high quality wire. Today we paid 240,000 Bs for one roll. Fortunately, this is the final roll of eight to complete the work.
Our pension from the U.K. has been another source of delay. For some reason they decided that they wanted us to confirm that we were both alive and well. (Annoying but a genuine request, not a Phishing). Funds were curtailed until an answer was received. This request was contained in a letter, which still has not arrived. We finally resolved the problem with them by telephone. But not before the cash position here had got to a difficult level. People in England cannot believe that it can take three months for a letter to arrive here. We are just now receiving Christmas cards. Thank you Lorenzo and Tim.
On the right, the photograph shows the double gate system. William, one of our local workers, has completed all the metal soldering. The house on the left is quite complex so I hope that Totto likes what we have made for him. We have studied his behavior and built the house around his habits. There are two floors connected by an internal staircase. The top floor will allow him to take advantage of the cool afternoon breeze that flows through the valley. There is also a small shelf in the roof, where he can sit on rainy days. The Swiss style roof is double and angled away from the usual direction of the rain. The main room has two entrances and will have sack doors to keep out the weather. The walls and floor will also be covered.
There is not a lot more to do. The final roll of wire must be attached. The doors have to be constructed. The area contains two live mango trees and these will be connected up to the house with bamboo walkways, which will stretch completely around the whole area. There will be no need for Totto to go down to the ground.
We will add ropes, swings, and various toys to make life interesting. In particular, Totto likes to have a platform on which to laze. This location was carefully chosen because it has a generous mixture of sun and shade. It is spacious and inside the security fence, which you can see in the background.
This project is way over schedule but the work is well done and I think Totto and Sophie will be happy here.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Totto gets a visit.
I can scarcely believe that a week has fled by since my last post. We have been so busy here at Cañaote. So let us just catch up.
Last Saturday we had a visit from Arquimedes and Ingrid. They came to see Totto and Sophie. The visit was a great success. Totto was obviously delighted to see Ingrid. I took many photographs but for the first time my camera let me down. I had substituted a little used memory card for the usual one and when I came to load into the computer, it was blank. This is a great shame because I thought I had some great shots of Totto’s family with him. The family was interested to see how far we had got in the construction of Totto’s new location. We have now obtained all the wire and the job is now going ahead. We discussed the logistics of moving Totto into the new area. I remind you that Totto is a big monkey and a very proud one. He would not readily allow anyone to pick him up and move him. Ingrid has a special way with him. Our plan is that the enclosure should be complete by the end of the month and that Arquimedes and Ingrid will visit again at that time and assist with the moving operation. I am very pleased with Totto’s redesigned house. But I will wait for another posting to describe it.
Negro also received a visitor in the afternoon.
News from Manrique tells us that Marco and Vicky are both well and happy. We plan a visit to them soon.
Last Saturday we had a visit from Arquimedes and Ingrid. They came to see Totto and Sophie. The visit was a great success. Totto was obviously delighted to see Ingrid. I took many photographs but for the first time my camera let me down. I had substituted a little used memory card for the usual one and when I came to load into the computer, it was blank. This is a great shame because I thought I had some great shots of Totto’s family with him. The family was interested to see how far we had got in the construction of Totto’s new location. We have now obtained all the wire and the job is now going ahead. We discussed the logistics of moving Totto into the new area. I remind you that Totto is a big monkey and a very proud one. He would not readily allow anyone to pick him up and move him. Ingrid has a special way with him. Our plan is that the enclosure should be complete by the end of the month and that Arquimedes and Ingrid will visit again at that time and assist with the moving operation. I am very pleased with Totto’s redesigned house. But I will wait for another posting to describe it.
Negro also received a visitor in the afternoon.
News from Manrique tells us that Marco and Vicky are both well and happy. We plan a visit to them soon.
Friday, March 09, 2007
The late late show
Supper is over and Schatov has gone over to David's room for the night. The lights are low and just the gentle glow from my PDA illuminates the room. But Mañiña still has energy to burn. He plays hard during the day with Schatov and MonaLisa and Rosita. But he is young and not easily tired and he is fueled by a piece of chocolate he stole from the fridge. (see picture) He wants to play a few more games before settling down to sleep. This involves moving things. Books, wastepaper bin, if it moves it's in the game. Sleep eventually comes and I am as tired as he is.
Negro's progress
In this photograph of Negro’s temporary small enclosure, you can see that he has Rosita as a dinner guest. It shows him walking on his forearms rather than his hands. This is one of the telltale signs of Rickets disease. He is avoiding the wrist pain by doing this. He appears otherwise healthy. He has started joining in the morning chorus, not a loud voice yet but he is taking part. He climbs the enclosure walls apparently without discomfort. His appetite is still giving us a little concern although he drinks the fortified milk with the calcium and vitamin ‘D’ addition. He is a charming little fellow and the staff already love him. He is never short of admirers.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Midweek round up
First, news of Marco and Vicky from Gabriela. I have included a translation in English as well as the original note. Errors in the translation are mine hmmmm..
The photograph shows the two of them together. She is looking skywards. What words would you put in her mouth? Use the comment box.
Hello Philip, I have good news, today in the afternoon Marco mounted Vicky. He never leaves her. He is always with her. Both are very in love, I hope in 6 months we have a grandson. I am very happy with this new news. I will tell you if there is any other new event about them . I say goodbye Gabriela.
Hola Philip, le tengo buenas noticias, hoy en la tarde Marco monto a Vicky, (sexo).
El no la deja tranquila ni un minuto, todo el tiempo esta atras de ella, los dos estan muy enamorados, espero que dentro de 6 meses tengamos un nieto.
Estoy muy contenta con esta nueva noticia.
Cualquier otro nuevo acontecimiento se lo informo.
Me despido
Negro has settled down in his small enclosure and is much bolder and active. He has regained some of his appetite and is taking his milk (fortified with Calcium) without any difficulty. I am optimistic about a full recovery from the Rickets because he is cooperating. His enclosure abuts the dwelling of Mañiña, Schatov, Rosita and MonaLisa and Emma and Nancy. There is considerable interaction between them. He is never bored. Rosita continues to pay him frequent visits, especially at meal times. She invites herself to all his meals.
We continue with the Totto house construction in spite of delays. Completion will probably not be until next week.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Totto enjoys a snack.
The work on Totto's new residence continues this week. The work has been slightly delayed whilst we searched for more materials. There is a good possibility that it will be completed this week. Totto has taken an active interest in the work. Our picture shows him enjoying a snack whilst watching the construction through his window.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Sussy gets a visit.
On Saturday, Gabriela did a grand tour following her time with Negro. She visited MonaLisa and Rosita. She spent time with Emma and Nancy. Schatov and Mañiña gave her a great welcome, especially because she also brought an abundance of good food. Totto is rarely sociable but today with Gabriela was an exception. Strange how the boy monkeys always like the female visitors. Sophie was also quite charming today.
Sussy was delighted to see her human mother. She opened all the boxes of food that Gabriela had brought. All so reminiscent of a child examining the entire luggage on your return home from a trip. She was so excited.
I took this photograph showing Gabriela and Sussy.

Today marks seven days since Negro arrived here and we have had time to watch him and evaluate his health. From about the second day, his gait began to ring alarm bells. In the last post, I reported that he had been treated for Rickets. With this condition, the body does not form strong bone. Weakness and pain are usually present in the ankles and wrist. Our observations have confirmed that Negro is suffering from Rickets. He cannot walk well and his loss of mobility prevents him from using the bamboo walkways. We are fortunate to have had expert advice for Negro and have set up a program to treat him. He is young, possibility under one year. Therefore, the prognosis is good. Firstly, we have moved him into a small enclosure where, if he falls he is unlikely to hurt himself. He has sunlight all day, very important for the formation of vitamin D. He has a comfortable hammock and is already using it. He is within sight of a big group of our children so his mind is kept occupied. As you know Rosita can wriggle out of her enclosure, and she has done, so that she can go on visits to see him. He is on a diet with supplements of Calcium and vitamin D.
We were shocked to discover that he had advanced Rickets. We were not told that he was a sick child when we received him but we are pleased that he has come to us so that we can give him the care and love needed to cure him. He is a brave little boy, frightened by his new environment but very willing to learn. I think he is going to be Mr. Personality plus.
Today he had a surprise visitor. Gabriela came on one of her regular visits to Sussy. Negro immediately warmed to her and they became great pals. It was wonderful to see the sudden transition in him. He became animated and happy. I think he likes the ladies.
Our picture? Well Gabriela with Negro of course.
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